Nicolas Cage and John Cusack released "Frozen Ground," a feature film based on Robert Hansen, the serial killer known as "Butcher, Baker."

Walter Gilmour & Leland E. Hale --
Copyright 2011





Movies & TV

INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY: The Butcher Baker: Mind of a Monster

In the 1980s, a mild-mannered family man ran a bakery in Anchorage, Alaska. Unknown to those who knew him, he also hunted and murdered dozens of women. In a world exclusive, we see inside the warped mind of Robert Hansen with his final taped confession. PREMIERES SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 9pm/8CT on ID. MORE


The Frozen Ground
A film inspired by Butcher, Baker.

Nicolas Cage in the Frozen GroundNicolas Cage in "The Frozen Ground" 2012 Voltage Pictures

In July, 2011, Producer Randall Emmett (Wonderland, Amityville Horror) announced plans to shoot a film about Robert Hansen, the subject of the true-crime work Butcher, Baker. The film based on Hansen's crimes, "Frozen Ground," stars Nicolas Cage and John Cusack.

Filming started October 17, 2011. Alaska filming ended on November 26, 2011. The film is currently available for rental on Netflix, Amazon and iTunes. It also shows up on cable networks from time-to-time.

Cast against type, Cage plays the sensitive cop featured in "Butcher, Baker" -- based on Alaska State Trooper Sgt. Glenn Flothe. Cusack plays the role of the killer, Robert Hansen -- again, against type. As you can imagine, this has spurred considerable interest in "Butcher, Baker."

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