The attorneys began to skirmish almost immediately. It was, from the very beginning, a no-holds-barred battle in and out of…
With seven or eight people murdered onboard the Investor, the fear factor was immediate and overwhelming. It started in Craig,…
Peel’s only option was to continue what appeared to be a losing fight against extradition in Whatcom County Superior Court. His…
By the time testimony was finished, the Ketchikan grand jury had heard a total of twenty-four witnesses. Larry Demmert and…
While Sgt. Stogsdill and Mary Anne Henry were holed up with the grand jury, three of their compatriots — McNeill,…
After a two day delay brought on by Larry Demmert’s antics, the Ketchikan grand jury was finally ready to begin. Mary…
After the coroner’s ruling Trooper Anderson tracked down Bruce Anderson, the skipper of the Casino. The trooper was laying the…
After talking to the Coulthursts, Sergeant Stogsdill now wanted to interview John Peel. He had a boatload of questions for him — including…