Arguments in State v. Peel ended with a thud, not a bang. After a dispiriting attempt to grind Jim Robinson…
Less than five minutes after Sgt. Stogsdill returned to the stand, Phil Weidner accused him of lying when he told…
By Monday, September 6, the Investor crew is already dead. But three people — Clyde Curry, Dale Rose, and Larry…
Let’s face it, lying is a common feature of the human condition. Kids do it to avoid punishment. Politicians do…
The only person defending Larry Demmert, Jr. was Mary Anne Henry. Characterically, she saved her strongest words for the tactics…
Although Larry Demmert got some respite from having Sgt. Glass in the courtroom, it didn’t prevent him from being careless.…
March 11-18, 1986 After a half day of nailing Larry Demmert, Jr. for his presumed drug use, the following day…
“The evidence will show that the prosecution in this case, they’ve adopted basically a see-no reality, hear-no reality, speak-no reality…
Larry Demmert, Jr., was an important witness for the state. Maybe the most important witness. He was certainly important enough…