The artist known as ?uestlove — Tonight Show band leader, writer, filmmaker — once said that the secret to his success is simple. He always says, “Yes.” No proposal is too weird or off the wall for this man of many talents. Just Say Yes. And then Noctivagant called. They wanted me on their podcast. They talk about the paranormal? Hmmm.
Just Say Yes
It was in that ?uestlove spirit that I said “Yes.” Yes to a crew known for their excursions into paranormal books and the people who write them. Say it loud and fast: Noctivagant. It means “night wandering.” Which is the perfect tag for the paranormal. And, now that I’m a little older, I do it quite often. Still, I was left with some deep questions. Like what could I say about, you know, the paranormal? Just go Noctivagant, of course.

That’s when the anxiety hit. It wasn’t the usual touch of nervousness associated with interviews and on-screen appearances. This time, it was because I couldn’t see any obvious link between the paranormal and What Happened in Craig. I should not have fretted. The Noctivagant hosts are kind, generous and a lot of fun. And they know their true crime.
Noctivagant are not a one trick pony.
I had so much fun that I, um, rambled on a bit. Well, that’s to be expected when you’re night wandering.

START THE Noctivagant Midnight Chat podcast here. And here. Or here.
Lorrie’s Review
My wife says that I wandered too much. That I sometimes wandered so much I didn’t answer the original question. That, in fact, I became a Noctivagant. (Well, she didn’t say that, but she could have. She really could have.) Anyway, it was a lot of fun and, if anything, it’s a glimpse into my untidy mind. Call it “an author unexpurgated.”
Thoughts prompted by the Investor murders. The original manuscript, started in 1992 and based on court records from the Alaska State Archives, served as the basis for “What Happened in Craig.”
Copyright Leland E. Hale (2021). All rights reserved.

Order “What Happened In Craig,” HERE and HERE. True crime from Epicenter Press.