A couple of days ago, my co-author ran across the following piece in the Anchorage Daily News:
“Butcher, Baker,” a 2003 non-fiction account of murders committed by Robert Hansen, is being re-issued. Hansen’s mass murders during Alaska’s pipeline construction era provide the material for an upcoming movie, “Frozen Ground,” starring John Cusack and Nicolas Cage, due to start filming in Anchorage later this month.
“Butcher, Baker” was originally published in 2003 and has gone through two (sic) previous printings. Anchorage-based Todd Communications purchased the rights from Penguin Books USA and ordered a press run of 3,000 copies.
Yes, it’s good to hear about another printing. You must, however, forgive our bewilderment. The rights to “Butcher, Baker” are no longer owned by Penguin. They’re now owned by the authors, Penguin having reverted them to us. [Stay tuned. Our indefatigable literary agent, Mr. Robert Lescher, is on the case.]
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