When the movie the “Frozen Ground” was first announced, the filmmakers made a pretty big deal of the fact that it was going to focus on two real-life people, Sgt. Glenn Flothe and Cindy Paulson. Or did they?
Cindy Paulson was the teenage prostitute who got away from Hansen, leading to his arrest and conviction. Sources tell us that Cindy Paulson worked with the filmmakers in telling her story. A look at the full cast and crew on IMDb confirms that, indeed, Vanessa Hudgens stars as Cindy Paulson.
Glenn Flothe was the Alaska State Trooper whose belief in Cindy Paulson helped bring Hansen in. According to the Variety story announcing the film, “Cage would portray the Alaska State Trooper who cracked the case.” Sounds like Glenn Flothe to me. Sounds like Glenn Flothe to a lot of people. But the Wikipedia entry for The Frozen Ground tells us another story:
“The Frozen Ground” is based on the true story of Alaskan detective Glenn Flothe (called Sgt. Jack Halcombe in the movie). Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) sets out to end the murderous rampage of Robert Hansen (John Cusack), a serial killer who has silently stalked the streets of Anchorage for more than 13 years.
Ok, all of this is fine, really. Stuff happens on the way from script to screen. And we notice that, while most of the cops kept their real names, other characters have not. For example, Darla Hansen is now called Fran Hansen.
But there is still something nagging me. Maybe it’s this little piece by Sheila Toomey in the Anchorage Daily News, datelined November 5, 2011:
Earwigs have been wondering why the Nicolas Cage character isn’t called by the name of the actual trooper who led the task force that nailed Hansen, Glenn Flothe. Other cop characters have the names of the real people. Maybe we’ll find out when movie publicist David Linck interviews Flothe. Linck announced Thursday that Glenn had agreed to chat on tape.
Two months on and still no sign of a Glenn Flothe – David Linck interview. Just saying.
Glenn Flothe is my great uncle. They decided to dramatize the movie like they do with most true-story films. That’s where the confusion is likely coming from.
In addition, he didn’t want his name used because he isn’t looking for a whole bunch of media attention, just wants to tell his story!
Alexis, I’m a former chief of police from Wisconsin and currently a university professor with other outside interests. If you are ever in contact with Trooper Flothe, could you have him email me please at: wisdc1@yahoo.com
Your uncle must be a good policeman if the movie is accurate in it’s tale. I don’t blame him for not wanting the spotlight in this instance. After being in the line of work he was for the time he was in it, I’m confident he made the right choice.
I wish there were more policemen like the one portrayed in the movie. Policemen that I am familiar with with various backgrounds I believe would agree (if not put on the spot that is) that bad and or lazy policemen outnumber the good ones. I realize this is a negative note about people in a dangerous job. However, again, I feel confident that policemen that are good ones know who they are.
The story shows a person who went the extra mile because he cared. So many that do get ridiculed for doing so by their peer’s which makes it very difficult to say the least. That said, who could blame him any person for asking for their anonymity.
God bless and protect the few good ones out there that really care.
I wanted to send your great uncle a note thanking him for his service and dedication, but I respect his privacy. All I want to say is that he is a Hero. A HERO!
Wasn’t there another trooper in the book that helped Flothe out? Daryl Galyan? Whatever happened to that guy? Was he in the movie too?
Galyan was mainly involved in the interrogation of Hansen. He does not have a part in the movie as far as I can recall, although some of the names were changed in the movie.
Thank God for all the policemen who go the extra mile because they care. Glenn Flothe ,Daryl Galyan and all the others who worked so hard and sacrificed thier life time to stop that monster and others are truly heroes. Thnx
God bless men like Glenn Flothe.
Great policeman. I’m sure the family is proud of the legacy he will leave behind Just saw the movie “The Frozen Ground”, it depicts a man who is dedicated to his job, real passion.
I just watch the movie: Frozen Ground. Of course I had to go to my IPhone & looks up Jack Halcombe to see what he is doing today. Amazing that I discovered the real person Glenn Fothe. Like all others, I am so glad that he stuck to his gut instinct & saw it thru. Thank you Glenn
What Color windbreaker jacket did Robert Hansen wear when he was arrested. Found a picture but it is in black and white. I think he may have been the person who killed Kelly Cook in Alberta Canada in 1981. I watched on youtube a video titled Kelly Cook The Back Up Babysitter. I have a strong feeling Robert Hansen is the the killer who called himself Bill Christianson. The killer who a blue windbreaker and fits Robert Hansen Profile.
Thank GOD for the first officer who believed Cindy, it shows he made copies of documents. He is a HERO! He saw her as a human being when the other ones only saw her as street walker.
Thank GOD for all the good cops who didn’t rest until they solved this case. My deepest condolences to all the families who lost a Child, Mom, sister, friend. RIP 🙏