IMDb, the movie database, has a social feature that encourages fans to put together lists of their most anticipated movies. It’s a fun feature, not to be taken too seriously, but a peek into the psyche of the devoted movie-goer nonetheless.
My question is this: where does The Frozen Ground, the movie inspired by Butcher, Baker, show up on these lists?
The answer is “pretty high up.” Here’s a sampling. Of course, this is a very selective sample. What did you expect? There’s more than a few lists where… um… The Frozen Ground is nowhere to be found. You can find those lists on your own!
Movies We HAVE to see in 2012 (lulie1810)
30 Most Anticipated Movies of 2012 (simon-evgp)
Movies That I Can’t Wait Till They’re Released (lbtrev)
Most Waited to See in 2012 (cristianoumberto)
The Most Anticipated Movies of 2012 (romtonkon)