After some yeoman work by our Anchorage attorney, I am pleased to announce that we’ve reached agreement with Todd Communications. I just received a check for back royalties on copies sold since last year. Hooray! I can now buy some postage stamps.
One mystery remains. The attorney mentioned something about copies of Butcher, Baker, being awarded us (authors) as part of the settlement. So far, no word back from the attorney or my co-author as to the details.
UPDATE: As part of the settlement, we received 350 books, 30 of which went to our attorney. I’m donating my half to the Alaska State Trooper Museum in Anchorage.
UPDATE TWO: In November 2013, we reached a landmark agreement with Todd Communications, which published “Butcher, Baker’ for the fifth time. Wow. Quite a run. Thanks again to Flip Todd for making this happen!