When it came time to arrest Gary Zieger in the Mason murder, several pieces of evidence were critical. The trucker…
In this installment, we continue Walter Gilmour’s narration of his encounters with Gary Zieger. Here we learn that a set…
His name was Gary Zieger. Kim Rich wrote about him in “Johnny’s Girl,” and how he turned her life inside…
Then-Corporal Walter Gilmour had reached a point in the Beth van Zanten case where, in his own words, “I couldn’t…
Two of Gilmour’s best leads had gone sideways — Greg passed his polygraph and Hansen had an alibi for the…
In March of 1972, Robert Hansen went to trial for his Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge against the real…
As January dragged on, Walter Gilmour was called into the Director’s office, so that Col. Dankworth could brief him on…
After Greg Nicholas pointed the finger at his cousin, troopers gave him the opportunity for a rebuttal or, at least,…