Part One: Wandering the Midwest One tantalizing thought has long nagged me. From the time Robert Hansen was released on…
Our Home & Native Land My grandfather was a Canadian, born in Victoria. My wife is Canadian (born in Calgary,…
Open Road Hits Canada, Great Britain, U.S. Though I hate to admit it, I’ve been remiss. That editing project I…
July Big Sale When July hits, it’s always open sesame time! That means gifts and presents. And secrets revealed. As…
Opposites Attract: Never in my wildest did I think I’d make the pages of The Sun, one of England’s um……
Open Road Sale Great Britain, you’re up next! After a sensational piece in The Sun called PURE EVIL, Butcher, Baker…
Weekly Sale This month brings another great sale from Open Road. Yes, it’s Butcher, Baker again. This time in the…
Mind of a Monster This month brings one of the best twofer packages imaginable. It starts with some of the…
Next to October, November is my favorite month. Of course, I also like Dec., Jan, Feb., and so on. How…
Police officers, by their very job description, are likely to come across all manner of unusual, bizarre and depraved human…