I have taken wholeheartedly to the eBook. The reasons are simple, really. The ability to grab new books instantaneously, for…
Augmented Reality (AR) is a fairly new concept, in which mobile devices are used to add layers of information to…
“Dangerous Instincts,” by ex-FBI profiler Mary Ellen O’Toole, makes generous use of real-world FBI criminal profiles on its way to helping…
Two months ago, I was wondering which eBook format Windows 8 will support. Perhaps it’s still too early to tell.…
Since Darla Hansen has lately been a topic of discussion in Anchorage, what with the movie crew and everything, I…
Frozen Ground filmmakers in Anchorage are temporarily transforming parts of the city to resemble its seedy ’70s -’80s past. There’s…
Those of you with eagle eyes have no doubt noticed a host of “Butcher, Baker” posts with the same date…
I recently came across this great remembrance of Robert Hansen by Alaska novelist Dana Stabenow. She perfectly captures the ambivalence…
L.A. Times story on filming the Robert Hansen story in Alaska: The project sought to stay true to the actual…
Having visited Anchorage a few weeks ago, I can (again) attest to the buzz about the Robert Hansen movie now…