Last November, I speculated as to which, if any, eBook format Microsoft would support in Windows 8 tablets. [Mistakenly, I…
Amazon recently announced KF8, which adds HTML5 interactivity to ebooks sold on the Kindle Fire (and later other Kindles). In…
Apple yesterday introduced a new eBook creation app, appropriately called iBooks Author. I say appropriately named because, if you charge…
Amazon has just released an updated version of its Kindle eBook creation toolset. Let it be said, it’s a grand…
iSuppli reports that the Kindle Fire has vaulted into second place in the tablet market. At 3.9 million shipped units,…
We have noted in these pages that Amazon’s big bet with the Kindle Fire is a device that links consumers…
The first English language reference to a “lending library” occurred in 1586. Since that time, they have taken many forms,…
Two months ago, I was wondering which eBook format Windows 8 will support. Perhaps it’s still too early to tell.…
Writer and game designer Guido Henkel has weighed in on Amazon’s recent announcement of the KF8 format, which brings HTML5…
Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal [David Streitfeld, The New York Times] Yes, This is About Publishing…