The word is Summer. The word is July. A time when we can no longer pretend about the sunshine. It’s on us. And it’s a time for another Butcher, Baker promotion. If you’ve been keeping track, June and July were fulsome months in the case of the missing dancers. In June, Cindy Paulson escaped her kidnapper, and presumed killer, at Merrill Field in Anchorage. She ran and was eventually interviewed by Anchorage police. Once they got her out of handcuffs, they took her to the airfield. There she led them to Robert Hansen’s airplane.
It was the beginning of the end. By July, the Alaska State Troopers had a copy of the APD report and Cindy’s statement. A light went on in their heads. Now they had someone to blame for the bodies they’d found along the Knik River.
These were Robert Hansen’s “killing fields.” The ones he’d revisited year after year. They soon knew they had a different kind of hunter in their midst.

This summer, as new life surrounds us, let’s once more hope that additional women are identified. Let’s once again hope additional families can grab a measure of closure. Let Butcher, Baker remain a book that keeps us on our collective toes.
Title | Author | Promo Type | Ctry | Start | End | Promo Price |
Butcher, Baker | Gilmour/ Hale | ORM – Early Bird Book | CA | Jun 29, 2023 | July 07, 2023 | $1.99 |
Butcher, Baker | Gilmour/ Hale | ORM – Early Bird Book | GB | Jun 29, 2023 | July 07, 2023 | $1.99 |
Butcher, Baker | Gilmour/ Hale | ORM – Early Bird Book | US | Jun 29, 2023 | July 07, 2023 | $1.99 |
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This promotion is offered through Open Road’s social media platforms and is available in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. The promo is available JUNE 29 through JULY 6, 2023. DON’T FORGET THE DATES.
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Hey, you can also order my latest book, “What Happened In Craig,” HERE and HERE. True crime on Epicenter Press about Alaska’s Worst Unsolved Mass Murder.