I’ve Got Answers
Someone recently asked me about Robert Hansen’s cabin on the Knik River. It’s much talked about in the blogs, videos and podcasts that clog the web. And, quite naturally, the person making the inquiry wanted to know exactly where that cabin was.
Fair enough. It’s a legit question and deserves an answer. Hint: Robert Hansen lied a lot. I mean, all the time. It was part of his game. He told survivor Cindy Paulson that he was going to take her to a friend’s cabin. He told others that he worked on the North Slope, that he and a buddy were kidnapping and raping women, so they always had an alibi. Sometimes he was a doctor. Or a professional photographer wanting to take (and pay for) nude photos.
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Robert Hansen’s Cabin
Now, back to our reader inquiry… Of the several myths about Robert Hansen, his claim that he had a cabin on the Knik is one of the most persistent. No such cabin has ever been found. Indeed, he admitted to police that he did not have a cabin.
Here’s a quote from Robert Hansen’s interview with Alaska State Troopers Glenn Flothe and Daryl Galyan, upon his October 27, 1983, arrest:
GF (Glenn Flothe): Do you have any at your cabin? Any weapons at your cabin?
RH (Hansen): Don’t have a cabin.
GF: Isn’t there a cabin that you usually fly to, a friend’s cabin?
RH: No.
Yes, he did take at least one woman to a “meat shack,” which is nothing more than a shed designed to cure moose meat before packing it out. Lacking that, the flies get to it first. Now there’s a pleasant image… And it’s as close as Hansen ever got to a cabin on the Knik.

The Truth Within The Lie
The key here is that, while there were a number of cabins that Hansen used — many for breaking into and stealing firearms — he didn’t actually have a cabin of his own.
The cabin story was a ruse to put his victims “at ease.” It’s not like he could say, “I’m going to take you to a sandbar on the Knik River and kill you.” If he said that, he’d surely lose control. And controlling these women was at the heart of Hansen’s evil.
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Hey, you can also order my latest book, “What Happened In Craig,” HERE and HERE. True crime on Epicenter Press about Alaska’s Worst Unsolved Mass Murder.