Amazon recently announced KF8, which adds HTML5 interactivity to ebooks sold on the Kindle Fire (and later other Kindles). In…
In these pages, we’ve written about the impacts of faulty memory on criminal cases. We’ve talked about faulty lie-detectors and…
Amazon has just released an updated version of its Kindle eBook creation toolset. Let it be said, it’s a grand…
[EDITOR’S NOTE] This post comes from a difficult time. There were many misunderstandings, none of which were helped by the…
[EDITOR’S NOTE] This post comes from a difficult time. There were many misunderstandings, none of which were helped by the…
We received an update this week on the Travel Channel series, “Hidden City,” starring Marcus Sakey. Its February 21, 2012…
When the movie the “Frozen Ground” was first announced, the filmmakers made a pretty big deal of the fact that…
We have been called “sinister.” We have been called gauche. Conservatives can hardly say our names without an undertone of…
Dan Gillmor recently pinned a piece for The Guardian (UK), in which he describes the “great ebook price swindle.” The…
CNN recently published a “Roundup” of sex abuse allegations. They covered not only Penn State, but Syracuse, The Citadel and…