I care a lot about the tablet category because, quite selfishly, I see them (and eBooks) as a way out…
The Kindle Fire is emerging as a certified hit for the holiday season. With a few lumps of coal thrown…
We have noted in these pages that Amazon’s big bet with the Kindle Fire is a device that links consumers…
I want to sell eBooks as much if not more than printed books; they are a continuum, not a discontinuity.…
I was working at Microsoft when the Justice Department lifted the consent decree during the early days of the Bush…
The eBook format wars seem to have lost a major player when Sharp announced it was discontinuing its Galapagos tablet,…
Two seemingly unrelated stories caught my eye today. The first is news from Amazon that it forecasts a “far weaker-than-expected…
Writer and game designer Guido Henkel has weighed in on Amazon’s recent announcement of the KF8 format, which brings HTML5…
Like I Was Sayin’ Bookstores Drop Comics in Battle with Amazon One group is watching the tablet war with a…
Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal [David Streitfeld, The New York Times] Yes, This is About Publishing…