Last November, I speculated as to which, if any, eBook format Microsoft would support in Windows 8 tablets. [Mistakenly, I…
The classic construction has it that monopolies enforce higher prices. And in the current suit by the U.S. Department of…
I am not really a fan of Scott Turow’s books. Potboilers, mostly. But hey, I still like crime mysteries, so……
In 1998, Microsoft was under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for antitrust violations, including charges that it held…
As I’ve said elsewhere, this eBook format thing is crazy. Now that the industry has roughly settled on the EPUB…
Apple yesterday introduced a new eBook creation app, appropriately called iBooks Author. I say appropriately named because, if you charge…
Long-term there’s no future in printed books. They’ll be like vinyl: pricey and for collectors only. 95% of people will…
As we wrote back in November, there’s a battle going on in the world of eBook publishing. The topic then…
I was working at Microsoft when the Justice Department lifted the consent decree during the early days of the Bush…
Writer and game designer Guido Henkel has weighed in on Amazon’s recent announcement of the KF8 format, which brings HTML5…